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Types of Verbs

Learn these types of verbs to get a better understanding of the English Language.

Active and Passive Verbs

Active verbs describe what the subject (a person, place, thing) does.
Example: The teacher read the book.

Passive verbs describe what is done to the subject.
Example: The book was read by the teacher.

Verb Forms

Regular Verbs

is used to form the past tense by adding a suffix – d or - ed


work, worked
walk, walked

Regular Verbs In Past Simple

Irregular Verbs

An irregular verb does not take the - d or - ed ending. It forms the past tense by changing the verb internally.

buy, bought
go, went

Linking verbs

These verbs connect a subject and its nominal complement. The most common linking verbs are all forms of the verb to be (am, is, are etc.). But there are others such as the “sense” verbs: look, appear, smell, become, remain, sound, continue, feel.

Example: I feel angry. She looked awful.

Transitive Verbs

These verbs have direct objects, the action is directed toward some objective.

Example: The company produced cars to sell to Japan. (Produced what? Cars)

Intransitive Verbs

These verbs do not have direct objects the action of the verb is not directed towards an objective.

Example: The man shouted angrily.
It was raining suddenly.

Auxiliary or helping Verbs

These verbs combine with other verbs to show the tense or manner of the action.

The most important helping Verbs are the verbs to be and to have

TO BE Verb

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